Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Topaz Mining

This past weekend, we did some mining on a topaz claim. Very interesting and amazing day. Hot with searing sun, but I was covered from head to toe except for hands. I don’t want to think about the sunburn that others in the group of 25 had, who walked around without a hat or long sleeves.

We saw antelope, wild horses and of course the mine. VERY steep climb up the mountain to get to the mine. I closed my eyes while sister drove the big Ram truck up the rocky 45ยบ grade.

We found some topaz samples,
most contained in rhyolite or cassiterite.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Labradorite Cabachon


This week, I went to a jewelry making class in Cedar City,

taught by Lexi Smith.  She is excellent, and managed to teach

a group of mixed skill students with ease.

I selected a rather large Labradorite cabachon for my

project.  I used dead soft copper wire with smaller gage

square wire for the wrapping.  It was a delightful class!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Geodes and Chippy Necklaces

 I'm working on items for an upcoming sale.
I made eternity findings for the geodes, because the
larger opening allows for use of stone chip necklaces.
I've used Fluorite, Labradorite and Turquoise chips
to create these "chippy necklaces."

Monday, January 29, 2024


Geodes are a stunning mineral, formed through volcanic action. As rocks, they are pretty non-descript. However, they are hollow inside and contain masses of sparkling mineral material.

I have a little collection of geodes and decided to
attempt some jewelry making. Some geodes are too
brittle to drill, so are more appropriate for wire wrapping.
Whether you drill them or wrap, they make a
wonderful jewelry statement.

Metaphysically, geodes are said to produce energy,
and thus help to calm mind and spirit.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Wrapped Pendant

 I made this for my sister.  She provided
the beautiful stone!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Eagle Blessing


My Mom lives in a beautiful assisted living place, overlooking the mountains and a golf course.  After meals, you can walk out on to a patio to watch the golfers.

This evening, we spotted a golden eagle.  It perched in front of us and then moved closer, dropping something out of it's talons.  After it flew off, I picked it up and it was a bit of bark.  What a blessing to share those moments with that lovely animal.