I hope that you have been checking in on Fridays,
and enjoy our challenges as much as Buffy, Susan and I do!

The challenge for today was a "no-brainer", given that this
is July 4th weekend. We are pleased and proud to offer
a patriotic challenge. I am so grateful to those
who protect our country, including the military, police,
fire fighters and others who provide security, that we might
enjoy the freedoms that we hold dear.
I don't know what it is. Perhaps because I have been trying
to diet lately, thoughts of food are an undercurrent in my
brain. I couldn't get the "American as apple pie" worm
out of my head. I'd been wanting to do a Swirly Scribbles
Thinlits (p 194) tree for a while. This card uses a number
of other products, including:
Tree Trunk: Thoughts and Prayers set on page 52
"Celebrate" sentiment: Celebrate Today set on page 18
Apples: Tree Builder Punch on page 188. I added a couple of glimmer paper apples, to add some sparkle.
Please enjoy a safe and relaxing July 4th holiday!
Please enjoy a safe and relaxing July 4th holiday!
So now that you've seen my patriotic sample, please hop
over to see the inspirational projects offered by