Monday, March 30, 2020

Witty-Cisms with Gang's All Meer

As I've said in the past, sometimes you get an idea,
and you just have to get it out of your head.  It doesn't
mean that it is a good idea, but it feels good to exorcise 
it from your brain!

This card is a mash-up of Witty-cisms (Jan-June 2020) 
and The Gang's All Mere SAB set.  I added the hat from
Best Catch (page 150) in the annual catalog.  I figured that
a cactus would benefit from googly eyes and a good hat!

Please have a great Monday!


Unknown said...

So funny! I love the hat and the google eyes! said...

This is awesome, Jackie! I love the "mash-up" of stamps and the googly eyes! So fun.